Different Areas of Research, Strategy, Capabilities Development, Institutional Growth, Local Governance, Devolution & Sustainable Development Projects
- Development Policy Governance & Audit/Accountability Framework for Counties
- High-Performance Leadership, Strategic Management, and Development
- Global Health Policy, Inequality, and Development
- Investing in Patient-Centered Healthcare Service Delivery
- African Sustainable Energy Security, Environment & Climate Change Policy Stewardship
- Development Systems & Indigenous Transformation of Sustainable Development: The Science and Policy Practice of Resilience Thinking
- Harnessing the Private Sector in Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Political Economy of Devolution: Forging Pathways for Institutional & Sustainable Industrial Development
- Counties’ Knowledge Needs & Policy Coherence for Sustainable Community Development
- Results-Focused Programming for Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Skills for Indigenous Competitive Economic Development
- Sustainable Environmental Security and Peace for Indigenous Development
- Integrated Social Policy on Devolution and Sustainable Development
- Fiscal Decentralization and Public Finance for Sustainable Development
- Stakeholder Engagement & Consensus Building for SDGs Implementation
- Enhancing Institutional Capabilities for Implementation and Evaluation of SDGs
- Governance of Water and Sanitation: Achieving Sustainable Development through Effective Partnerships
- Public Trust in Fractured Societies: Institutional Culture, Resilience & Strategic Competitiveness
- The Cooperative Ecosystem & Institutional Development as Strategic Catalysts for Sustainable Development
- Leveraging Big Data for Innovation in Health, Climate & Sustainable Development